Saturday, February 15, 2014

Reflection #8 Romanesque

Dana's blog;

Before I started reading her blog, I noticed how she made each topics separately, so that we can access to each topic easier and quicker without scrolling around. I thought it was very clever idea she came up with, and I was already impressed and learned how to make blog look extra friendly and accessible for others.

She provided great summary of leaning tower of Pisa, where I visited last summer.  I wish that I read her information before I was there, so it could have given me various perspectives and I could have been enjoying the visiting more.  She did excellent job on blog design, and also the content of her blog.

Emily's blog;

She provided very good pictures with very good summary of Romanesque architectural style = Arch + Vaults.  For current applications, she posted different building application in Commercial and Residential building.  I always tend to use the current application whatever I find on internet, but I really liked the way she focused design in different building types.  Additionally, she posted some individual's blog, which gave me even more knowledge.  She did excellent job.

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