Monday, February 3, 2014

Reflection #5 Early Christian

John's blog;

After I read his overview of catacomb, I certainly regretted that I did not mention them in my blog.  I cannot imagine designing and creating tunnels that big, especially any machines and equipments like we have today were not available at the time.  On top of the great information he provided, I really loved all the pictures he posted. 

Kristina's blog;

She wrote great description to each pictures and it ease the readers to fallow.  It usually becomes kind of wordy in my blog, so I realized less word is better in terms of visual and readability.  I noticed she mentioned many architectural aspects of Early Christian basilica outside of books. I learned also purpose of their design which they were also not discussed in book.  Her blog encouraged me to get more information outside of our books to learn more. 

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